Password Tech 3.5.2 released

less than 1 minute read

Main features of Password Tech 3.5.2 include: Generating multiple passwords to the clipboard (“Generate” button has been redesigned for this purpose); appropriate reaction to the Windows “end session” event (e.g., system shutdown or restart); improved handling of tasks and threads; verifying clipboard contents using SHA-256 before clearing contents automatically. Also, some (non-critical) bugs have been fixed.

As of version 3.4.5, Password Tech uses the PO format (.po files) for translations. The custom LNG format (.lng files) is considered deprecated. Instructions on converting translations from the old LNG to the new PO format can be found in the manual. Password Tech still supports both formats but I recommend all translators to switch to the PO format at the earliest opportunity, since it is more powerful than LNG and also widely supported by many applications and editors, such as POEdit.

