
Software releases are announced on this page.


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Password Tech 3.5.4 released

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Version 3.5.4 features a new “Character Set Builder”, which allows you to compose custom character sets in a separate window. Various character subsets, such...

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Password Tech 3.5.3 released

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Version 3.5.3 features new “Advanced” password options “Include at least one character from each subset”, min./max. length of words in (external) word lists ...

Password Tech 3.5.2 released

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Main features of Password Tech 3.5.2 include: Generating multiple passwords to the clipboard (“Generate” button has been redesigned for this purpose); approp...

Password Tech 3.5.1 released

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Password Tech 3.5.1 features a new option to load a particular password generation profile on startup. The maximum number of passwords that can be generated ...

Password Tech 3.5.0 released

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Password Tech 3.5.0 features new high-resolution icons, various user interface styles (including light and dark themes), and allows attributing frequencies t...

Password Tech 3.4.5 released

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Password Tech 3.4.5 features compression of password databases (using the Deflate algorithm), including setting the compression level from 1 to 9, a password...

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Password Tech 3.4.4 released

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Password Tech 3.4.4 allows protecting password databases by key files in addition to or in place of regular passwords. Moreover, a recovery password (passwor...

Password Tech 3.4.3 released

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Password Tech 3.4.3 adds a new functionality to filter entries that expire soon; “soon” can be specified as the number of days before the password expiry dat...

Password Tech 3.4.2 released

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Password Tech 3.4.2 allows restoring all of its windows to the primary monitor in case the windows were not restored properly when switching between multiple...

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Password Tech 3.4.1 released

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Password Tech 3.4.1 features new command line switches silent and opendb to launch the application in the background and open a password database on startup,...

Password Tech 3.4.0 released

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Password Tech 3.4.0 allows setting expiry dates for passwords in databases, and filtering entries with expired passwords. When opening a database that contai...

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Password Tech 3.3.0 released

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New features of Password Tech 3.3.0 mainly affect the PassCube password manager: Global database settings now include a default password generation scheme, C...

Password Tech 3.2.0 released

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New features of Password Tech 3.2.0 include the availability of a native 64-bit build, assigning custom tags to database entries and filtering tags in the pa...

Password Tech 3.1.0 released

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Main features of Password Tech 3.1.0 include multilingual support (like the predecessor PWGen, every release will be accompanied by a German translation in t...

Password Tech 3.0.0 released

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PWGen for Windows has been relaunched as Password Tech (PwTech) with lots of new features, including a password safe/manager and password generation with Lua...

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